Always with you in your exams
I wish a wish for you.
Its a wish I wish for few.
The wish I wish for you is that
all your wishes come true so keep wishingas my best wishes are always with you in your Exams.
All Type of SMS, Funny SMS, Love SMS and Much More
Exam Motivational SMS
I wish a wish for you.
Its a wish I wish for few.
The wish I wish for you is that
all your wishes come true so keep wishingas my best wishes are always with you in your Exams.
Patience and hardworking have a magical effect
before which difficulties
disappear and obstacles vanish.Be hard-worker for your Exam.
This is a time to recap
on the past years knowledge.
But just remember do it,
in a relaxed unstressful manner,
only in this manner you will be able,
to instruct your subconscious mind
to bring forward the knowledge,
embedded in your mind.
Just do you share
and God will do His share
to guide you through this Stressful time.
I wish you all the best for the exams
and have enough faith in you
that you will not disappoint yourself
but be joyful of the success that are awaiting you.
Examination is garden,
success is flower,
God Bless you with power
to pluck this flower.
Best of Luck to your Exams