Be my Valentine, my love

Be my Valentine, my love,
As I will be for you,

And we will love the whole day long,
And love our whole lives through.

For love has no parameters
And does not end with time,

But is the gift of paradise,
A pinch of the sublime.

So let us take this holiday
To resubmit our love

To those within that know no sin
And with the angels move

Why would I bring you chocolate

My valentine:
Why would I bring you chocolate
when you are the treat.

My valentine:
Why would I bring you flowers
when your smell is what’s sweet.

My valentine:
Why would I buy you a card
when the words can be heard through me.

My valentine:
Why would I take you out some place
when all I need is to see your face.

My valentine:
Why would I celebrate this on one special day
When I can do it always.

I have one last question for you

Be My Valentine
This may be a little silly,
But I have a question for you,
Will you be my valentine?

Cause no one else will do
I know you are my boyfriend
But will you be my valentine?

I can’t think of anyone else
I’d want to have as mine
No one else gives me the tingles
The way you always do,
So, will you be my valentine?

So I can share this with you
No one has ever kissed me
And sent chills down my spine,
Until the night you kissed me,
So, please be my valentine

Like I said this is silly,
But I have one last question for you
If you agree to be my valentine,
Can I be yours too?

On Valentine’s Day, the day of affection

On Valentine’s Day, the day of affection,
My thoughts naturally turn in your direction.

I think of many things, big and small
That you’ve given to me and given your all.

You see me always in the kindest light;
You’re a glow in my life, golden and bright.

I’m thankful for the happy ties that bind
Me to you in our family, and I’d like to remind

You of all the special memories I treasure.
Having you in my life is nothing but pleasure!

You’re a walking example of how to live,
How to share, how to teach, how to love, how to give.

Please accept this Valentine poem,
warm from the heart of your Love.